Sunday, July 5, 2009

Still Alive and Breathing!

Yes, dear faithful reader, I am still alive and breathing (unlike the rash of recent deaths- Ed McMahan, Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson).
Happy Belated 4th of July!
It is my favorite holiday by far. I love the Red, White and Blue theme as well as the Hot Dogs and Hamburgers but I really love the Fireworks!
I want to post a few pictures and basically tell everyone I am OK and hanging in there. More details to follow very soon...

Thanks for all the love and support! It has really been wonderful to know who your real friends are! Special Thanks to my husband who has had to work even harder and still loves me in spite of everything we have traveled thru the last 2 months. We will celebrate our 16th wedding anniversary on Thursday. Thank you Lord for each day I have with this wonderful man. I don't tell him often enough just how very special he is or how desperately in love with him I am, but I will try to do better.
Smooches to all and I will talk at you all very very soon!
I have started the photos of my beadwork. If you want a preview check out my face book page to see what I have up at the moment. I am working on at this very moment, 2 beaded rivoli balls, one interchained multicolored necklace, one lady brick stitch piece and a King Tut cross stitch, so I have definitely been busy on the craft front. Show and tell will come very soon... I promise! Tootles...................

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