Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Something Close 2 Nothing....

Rasberry Beret!

Holy Cow Batman! I just looked to see how long ago it was since I last posted. Time flies even when you arent having lots of fun!

Lets see, I have been doing a little of everything it seems.

I took a Photoshop Elements Class at the Community Adult Education Center in September. I now can do really cool things to photos. I just need to sit my butt down and actually do it. Sorta like this blog! LOL
I am in the process of Autumn Cleaning. It is simular to Spring Cleaning just really really late or really really early depending on your "glass is half empty/glass is half full" philosophy. I gave some stuff to friends who might actually use the stuff. Some went up on Ebay and I have some to Goodwill. Five bucks says it never sees the showroom floor! Anyway it is a neverending cycle and someday my Condo will be clutterless. Yeah, Someday. Like someday I will be thin, beautiful and filthy rich....
I am taking a belly dancing class. It is harder than it looks. Isolating parts of my body that it claims I dont own is quite a challenge. The warm up alone is enough to make the heart pound and sweat to drip between the boobs! I really do like it. My friend and savior Amy is also along for the ride. It must be worth it for me to get up on a Saturday morning drive 45 minutes and take an hour class! Maybe I just like the jingly sound the scarf on my butt makes. I dont know... I try to catch my favorite band Champagne Sunday whenever I can. They make me feel great and I love Jessi and Jared to death. I could spend all day writing about my love and devotion to them! The new album "North" is being released (dare I say an actual date!) November 30th.
Smooches to my dear friends. Their music is what I want to be when I grow up- Amazing!

Now that gas prices have lowered, we did make a Solvang run. We do this like twice a year. Some people go for the wine, or the pastry. I go for the really cool cross stitch store! The owner is a very sweet woman who actually remembers us. Not sure if that is good or bad...

I have been beading and finished earrings for Jessi. I am working on a fringe necklace of a bathing beauty. My Princess Diana cross stitch has recently seen some work now that the fall tv season has started. Just gotta keep the cats off of it and away from the floss!

Ok, speaking of tv I must lodge a huge complaint to the Emmy voters- Are you guys fricken crazy? Michael Emerson deserved that statue more than anyone and you guys stiffed him. This still makes me fume! Maybe that is why I havent posted a blog! Yep thats my excuse and I am sticking to it!

Oh yeah, I also got the 21 nights Prince photos, poetry and music from the Purple One! So there is the recap. Like the Prince song "Rasberry Beret" says "Seems that I was busy doing something close 2 nothing" O+>. Peace

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