Thursday, August 28, 2008

Very Cool Blog! The Angel of Orange-Powdery Goodness

I love reading the magazine Artful Blogging and yesterday I found this blog which for some reason made me stop dead in my tracks and just be still. I had to catch my breath because this was such a wonderful blog. I had to close the magazine because tears blurred my vision. I added her blog on the sidebar so that I will remember to visit it. It is full of wonderful, colorful pictures and similar writing to mine. Plus, her blog has a statement on it that says "I create therefore I am" which is similar to a Prince song called "I rock therefore I am" so she definitely rocks! This is what caught my heart...... Enjoy

The Angel of Orange-Powdery Goodness
July 31, 2006

I met God today. She was sipping nectar from the loveliest and sweetest of marigold flowers. Her mottled daiquiri-jeweled eyes unblinking as she stared through the camera and into my soul. She's a wisp of a thing ~ a strangely beautiful creature. We spoke for a moment or two and I asked if I could, for just a few moments, hold her.

"Hold me?" she inquired spinning her proboscis. "Why, of all the choices you have in the universe, you would choose to contain the uncontainable?" her eyes dissolving into the most magnificent of gooseberry greens tinged with flecks of radishy reds. A breeze shivered across the scales of her wings, blowing orange-colored pixie dust onto the lens.

"If you hold me, what will be next?" she coyly stared, "A jar? A chemical cotton ball? A pin? A prize? A trophy of God on your wall?"

"I just..."

"You just wanted to save me? From whom?"

"Well, not from whom... I wanted to save you for myself!"

"Silly girl," said the angel of orange-powdery goodness, "look inside your fear, take your wonder and the fiery flame in your loins. Wield your creativity and SAVE YOURSELF."

"Save myself?" but.. you're god!"

"Am I? She laughed, "I am in you ~ your are in me. You are the spark!"

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