Friday, December 12, 2008

Where did it go?

Can someone please tell me - WHERE DID IT GO??

I am talking about time. I checked the blog to see when was the last time I posted thinking - "Oh probably a couple of weeks." Yeah, like almost 6 weeks ago! My intentions are pretty simple. I wanted to keep a blog one not too big or overbearing. This one has lapsed into LAME! I guess I could put it off a couple more weeks and say that my New Years Resolution would be to blog more (and be young and thin) but we all know that's not gonna happen! Especially those of you who know me. I am a very responsible and organized person with the exception of this blog which as I write is gathering dust! Oh that is my keyboard and my house!

I wish I had amazing things to report. Ya know things like I have traveled (insert exotic locale here) or I have been doing (insert amazing life experience here). NO I have been working, sleeping and occasionally beading. I will post more photos but guess what.... They are still stuck in the camera! Gotta get my act together- Maybe tomorrow. OK too much time has past. I feel really guilty but I know I am going to do the very same thing again and probably again. Thank Goodness no one reads this thing or the pressure would be too much! Nah that would only be if I had to cook! Then all bets are off.........

Smooches to all who reads this because I have no idea where I am headed next!

Stay tuned I may create something fabulous!

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