Saturday, June 14, 2008

Misc Ramblings

I don't have a "real" topic for today so I will just ramble a bit and see what I babble about for today's post.
Working next to a funeral home can be quite an experience. I do in fact work in a building that also houses a dentists office and the Rose Family Funeral Home. My office is next to the wall that must be their chapel. I have always had office jobs where I wasn't allowed to listen to music so silence at work was nothing new to me. When I started at TheraCare, that all changed. The first week I could hear caskets being moved around. No big deal. (I watched them drop a casket in the parking lot as well!) Then I could hear music from the services being held. Again, "Ava Maria" is a beautiful song. But as time went by, I felt like I was intruding in these poor families private moments. So I started listening to my XM radio online to help drown out the goodbyes next door. That was fine until the day I was alone and a women let out a blood curdling scream! My stomach dropped and I had a flashback (In "Lost" style I might add!) to the moment some 20 years ago when I came around the corner and saw the top of my mothers head and her glasses in her coffin and started to scream. I had to be dragged to the outer lobby until I could get myself together. I wanted to go and comfort that poor woman as I knew EXACTLY what she was feeling. A rather unsettling experience. Also it was the Friday before I had to have Max put to sleep. An Omen, dunno. I hear people cry and sob. I could never be a funeral director. I put up a sign on the wall that was kind of funny. I found clip art of a chapel and added the statement "Dead Mans Party- I see Dead People" I had to find a way to lighten a very dark situation.

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