Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday Already!

Sheesh! It is Monday already. Where did the time go? It has been hotter than all get out for the last 4 days. Here in Simi it has been over 100 each day! (I am at work so Simi Valley it is!) On Friday- "The hottest day of the year" per Fritz Coleman of KNBC weather it was 109. I wouldn't let Sam go down the street for his daily walk. I was afraid it would fry his paws! He wanted his daily walk and then changed his mind as soon as we went outside. I let him wander the grass just outside our door. I guess he figured if ya gotta go, ya gotta go! He couldn't wait to get back in the air conditioning. That is the best part of working here- awesome AC! I used to live in a Quonset hut for 12 years. It is like a metal airplane hanger. Many of the military bases use them. I don't even want to think about how hot that thing got! There was no insulation so in the winter you froze and the summer you baked. Often times it was hotter or colder inside the hut than outside. Took some getting used to living there. But the rent was great and we adapted. It was what I would consider my first home. Time flies, more so now than ever. The year is half over, summer started on Saturday and I didn't blog for a week. What do we do with our time? Its Monday already! Where did the weekend go? Things to ponder....

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