Monday, January 12, 2009

Just Checking In....

Not much new here. I have been trying to finish some of my bead work so I can photograph them to put them up here. Yesterday, Benjamin knocked my latest piece on the floor and broke part of it, so we trekked to San Gabriel in an attempt to find one oval purple shell and of course they didn't have it! I settled on a round grey shell instead. We headed to Bobs Big Boy for dinner. I have a few pieces done, but not enough hours in the day to work on all my projects.
Today is Amy's birthday. Sam and I surprised her with flowers and a balloon. We split a piece of tres leche cake (ya, yum!). We will do lunch tomorrow. Stay tuned I might have brilliant news of exactly what we had for lunch! Nah just kidding!
Brendan and I have been doing a marathon of Lost season 4 in preparation for the Season 5 premier on January 21 st. I cant wait to see what is in store this season. As long as Benjamin Linus is in it, I will be loving every minute of it! On the music front I am listening to Fear Mia, a band that has toured with CS and has Man Jessi on the fiddle. I really like their sound and their lead singer Abby is really good.
We went to see Champagne Sunday on Friday night. Always a great time. We exchanged belated gifts and hung out with my peeps, it was an all around fun night.
I am working on getting more stuff for you soon. Smooches!

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