Thursday, January 1, 2009

One more for the road...

Well 2008 wasn't quite ready to leave without claiming another "victim" here at the ol Peters household. We lost one of our red earred sliders named Ollie. I got Ollie on Olvera Street in Los Angeles and the size was about a quarter. I ended up with another one, Vera who is still very much alive and kicking! So Ollie and Vera (because they came from Olvera Street) have been with us I am guessing 10-12 years. I remember taking Ollie to the pet store and the kid behind the counter backed away saying "I cant buy this dude, cuz hes like illegal" I said I didn't want to sell him, I wanted to know what to feed him! The $10 turtle turned into like $400 with tank, lights, heater and filter. Come to find out that in California the turtle has to be 4 inches to be sold, something about salmonella. Anyway my illegal alien Ollie had a fairly long life (although I was told they could live 30-50 years!) Somehow that doesn't always seem quite accurate. I figured he lived long and prospered! Another loss but somehow I knew it. He seemed a bit lethargic this past week and wasn't quite himself. Vera is much more aggressive and Ollie just was fine hanging out and doing nothing. So Ollie is in the big turtle pond in the sky and we will meet again over the rainbow bridge with the rest of the brood.

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