Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday Already!

Sheesh! It is Monday already. Where did the time go? It has been hotter than all get out for the last 4 days. Here in Simi it has been over 100 each day! (I am at work so Simi Valley it is!) On Friday- "The hottest day of the year" per Fritz Coleman of KNBC weather it was 109. I wouldn't let Sam go down the street for his daily walk. I was afraid it would fry his paws! He wanted his daily walk and then changed his mind as soon as we went outside. I let him wander the grass just outside our door. I guess he figured if ya gotta go, ya gotta go! He couldn't wait to get back in the air conditioning. That is the best part of working here- awesome AC! I used to live in a Quonset hut for 12 years. It is like a metal airplane hanger. Many of the military bases use them. I don't even want to think about how hot that thing got! There was no insulation so in the winter you froze and the summer you baked. Often times it was hotter or colder inside the hut than outside. Took some getting used to living there. But the rent was great and we adapted. It was what I would consider my first home. Time flies, more so now than ever. The year is half over, summer started on Saturday and I didn't blog for a week. What do we do with our time? Its Monday already! Where did the weekend go? Things to ponder....

Monday, June 16, 2008


I think I will do a Top 10 List of Q & A for anyone who actually reads this blog or to remind me what I thought on this day.

10. One food item that describes my life in the last year: Hum that would have to be Brussels sprouts because I abhor them! The last year has been one stinky vegetable! As a kid we would be forced to eat 3 of them when Mom served them. We would stuff it in our mouths, hold our nose, chew fast, swallow and drink all the water we had to wash it down. That is kinda what I did for working at Classic Limousine. Get in, fly low and hit the door running at quitting time!

9. One item in the kitchen that describes me and my personality: First of all, I gotta ask whats the kitchen and where is it? LOL ! Betty Crocker I am not! I guess I would say I was a strainer because I have been in hot water and I have let it all drain out of me, down the drain leaving only the good stuff!

8. Best Concert ever attended: Wow been to a few of those, I guess it would have to be when I saw Bette Midler at the Greek Theater. She was awesome. One minute laughing and the next crying. Cyndi Lauper was a close second. The woman had more energy than I had ever seen on stage.

7. What cartoon character best describes me: I am definitely Peppi Le Pew. I am French and a romantic...Oui Oui Oui

6. If I could live anywhere in the world for a year: Wow that is a hard one. Too many places I would want to travel to not just live in one spot. They would have to speak English for sure!

5. Complete the statement "I recommend..." ( TV show, movie, restaurant, book , website ect) : "Lost" Duh! It is Jorge Garcia's blog. He plays Hurley on the TV Show "Lost" . Dispatches from the Edge by Anderson Cooper, The L Word on Showtime (phenomenal writing and acting) Andre's Italian Food off 3rd street in Los Angeles. Good enough for now.

4. What dream would I attempt if money was no object: I would travel and photograph the world.

3. What superpower would I like to have and why: I think I would want to be invisible. Wow I think I have this power already! I feel like people don't see me. LOL

2. If you had $5 million to spend in 5 days, but couldn't’t spend any of it on yourself or your family, what would you do with it? It would all go to different charities. Diabetes, AIDS, helping others in need of basic necessities of life like clean drinking water and food. Animal rescue and of course tiger conservation.

1. “2 Truths And a Lie” – Share 3 unique things about yourself and your life, 2 of them true, 1 false, and let the group guess which one isn’t true. I have been on a picket line carrying a sign for better wages and benefits. I have been on television. I have Emeril Lagasse on speed dial. (Didn't read the full blog if you pick this one! LOL) That's it for today! Hope you learned a bit about me.....

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Misc Ramblings

I don't have a "real" topic for today so I will just ramble a bit and see what I babble about for today's post.
Working next to a funeral home can be quite an experience. I do in fact work in a building that also houses a dentists office and the Rose Family Funeral Home. My office is next to the wall that must be their chapel. I have always had office jobs where I wasn't allowed to listen to music so silence at work was nothing new to me. When I started at TheraCare, that all changed. The first week I could hear caskets being moved around. No big deal. (I watched them drop a casket in the parking lot as well!) Then I could hear music from the services being held. Again, "Ava Maria" is a beautiful song. But as time went by, I felt like I was intruding in these poor families private moments. So I started listening to my XM radio online to help drown out the goodbyes next door. That was fine until the day I was alone and a women let out a blood curdling scream! My stomach dropped and I had a flashback (In "Lost" style I might add!) to the moment some 20 years ago when I came around the corner and saw the top of my mothers head and her glasses in her coffin and started to scream. I had to be dragged to the outer lobby until I could get myself together. I wanted to go and comfort that poor woman as I knew EXACTLY what she was feeling. A rather unsettling experience. Also it was the Friday before I had to have Max put to sleep. An Omen, dunno. I hear people cry and sob. I could never be a funeral director. I put up a sign on the wall that was kind of funny. I found clip art of a chapel and added the statement "Dead Mans Party- I see Dead People" I had to find a way to lighten a very dark situation.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Long time no hear!

Wow!! I just looked at how long it has been since my last blog. Also how depressing this blog is. I will try to post more and complain less. The loss of Max was really hard but "the zoo" as I call it is adjusting. I had him cremated and his remains are back in the living room. He is home.

Been working and just doing much of nothing. The highlight of my time away was the season finale of Lost! This season for some reason has been totally awesome. I have watched from the premier but not with the passion of some of the people I have read about on the web. The writers for this show are unbelievable. I love the character of Benjamin Linus played by the most incredible actor, Michael Emerson. He came in half way thru season 2 and I cant wait to see what he will say or do next. If he doesnt get an Emmy for his portrayal of Ben there is no justice in the world.

I have asked Brendan for my anniversary to see Carrie Prestons (Michael Emersons adorable wife, who played the part of Emily - Bens mother in a flashback of Lost!) new independent film titled "Ready? OK!". It is about a boy who wants to join the all girls cheerleader squad. The motto is "Dont break the rules- Change them" The preview is enticing. Here is the official website: Check it out!