Monday, February 16, 2009

Hello Young Lovers...

Well, I have been beading but I just haven't taken any photos of my stuff yet. It is coming I swear - someday soon.

Went and saw Champagne Sunday on Friday the 13th (lucky day for us CS fans!)

For Valentines day We went to UCLA Royce Hall to see one of my all time favorite bands -drum roll please....

Oh yeah... LA's own, the one, the only... Sparks! The Mael Brothers at their finest. I am one of the lucky few who actually know about this band that has been around for 21 albums and almost 40 years. I got into them in the early 80's when here in LA the radio station KROQ played this awesome band.

Ron and Russell Mael are not an average duo of musicians. They are incredibly intelligent with very witty lyrics mostly written by the elder and very sophisticated Ronald, and his younger brother, Russell an energetic powerhouse with a falsetto voice, that after all these years still amazes me! They played 2 entire albums: their newest Exotic Creatures from the Deep and after intermission the entire album Kimono my house, which was released in 1974!
We were then lucky enough to be treated to some old favorites from previous albums. I danced my butt off and didn't care what anyone thought. The crowd was "older" and a few were reliving the 80's, complete with colored hair and funky fashions. We as a group knew we were being treated to something very rare and unique. I have never been to a concert where an entire album has been played - let alone 2 albums from start to finish. No one wanted the night to end and a great time was had by all. Welcome home boys (they have spent the last few years in Europe where the audience appreciated them more than here in the US) I, personally have always appreciated great music and outrageous lyrics. Love you guys! Gotta run, I am off to listen to "let the monkey drive" What a great song! One of many - check em out for yourself..............