Wednesday, December 31, 2008

To the curb 2008!

Well, I figured I should post something as this is the last few hours of 2008. It has been a strange year to say the least. I am actually happy to see 08 hit the road! I think back over the course of this year and mostly feel loss. I changed jobs in February (to one of the best things in 08) but have lost touch with really amazing women who I worked with. I have had my fair share of death this year. Max in late June, Murray in early July and Lucky in November all were hard on the heart to be sure. Loss of pay and having less money than ever before has been difficult. Brendan works 2 jobs and sometimes 75-80 hours a week to keep us with a roof over our head. Gas prices thru the roof and the cost of everything skyrocketing, some days I wonder how we pull it all together.

Not all things were bad in 2008. I work with an amazing person Amy who I am very lucky to call my friend, who puts up with me each and every day. I get to take Sam the wonder dog to work and he LOVES Mondays! UGH! I have new friends like Sara, Doc and Carmen and of course Jessi and Jared who are playing this evening (I love you guys- I really do!). I have been sick and decided to sit this one out! I like my job working for a medical billing company. I have my own office with a purple wall! I knew that was my place! We took a Solvang run and I was very blessed to meet two fabulous actors and wonderful people - Michael Emerson and his beautiful wife, Carrie Preston at an opening of a heart warming film called "Ready? OK!". I fulfilled my wish to take belly dancing (which is harder than it looks!). I added to the brood with Emmy, Benjamin and Henry. They add new life to the house and new memories.

So here I sit with Sam and Anderson Cooper and will ring in 2009 at home. I am looking forward to 2009 and the opportunities it holds. I hope to take advantage of each and every one of them and make 09 all about "finding your bliss". I hope you all find yours in 09!

Happy New Year!

Monday, December 15, 2008


At last dear ones! The new album from Champagne Sunday has arrived. We waited and waited and waited...... and it was entirely worth it! This CD is AWESOME!!!!

Wow it has been a long process and I am very grateful to have heard some of these songs evolve.

Jessi and Jared have outdone themselves! This is a fun album starting with Fallen and for those of us lucky to have seen this performed live, it is affectionately called the "napkin song" as we swing our napkins high in the air!
- Stronger is a toe tapping ditty that reminds you that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger! - What a day is a possible single and if you have had the day from hell, this song tells it all!
- Long day is Jared and you feel this song down deep.
- So inclined is Jessi song about Jared.
-Tiny Girl is Jessi's tribute to her fabulous mother Arla and what it is like to measure up. I know them both and I know when I grow up I wanna be just like them!
- Bound is a more gritty song, one they don't play live very often at this point.
- No motivation is a crowd favorite not to mention one of my personal favorites. The mixing in the studio of this song is phenomenal with all the different instruments. Love it!
- Bonsai Kitty was originally written about an Internet hoax that Jessi didn't know was a hoax when she wrote this song of outrage about kittens being raised in glass bottles and fed thru tubes. The song evolved to breaking out of the mold and being who you are meant to be, not conforming to others standards.
- Music Box is another crowd favorite and my all time favorite CS tune. It is about finding that inner child and letting him/her out to play. I still cry when Jessi sings this song.
- Holy water is another strong contribution from Jared saying what a lot of people feel about religion. He speaks for me on this one!
- The fall of Gabriel is about an old roommate that needed a kick in the pants to get his life jump started. A very fun song!
I really cannot tell you how very much I love this album and the amazing songwriting skills of both Jessi and Jared. These guys rock and so does this CD!

I love them both so very much. They are full of life and fun and as individuals, make you feel wanted, accepted as well as warm, safe and loved. They are inviting each person to join in the festivities and live each day to its entirety. Even when it doesn't always work, the invitation still stands. Treat yourselves to the bubbly! Cheers.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Where did it go?

Can someone please tell me - WHERE DID IT GO??

I am talking about time. I checked the blog to see when was the last time I posted thinking - "Oh probably a couple of weeks." Yeah, like almost 6 weeks ago! My intentions are pretty simple. I wanted to keep a blog one not too big or overbearing. This one has lapsed into LAME! I guess I could put it off a couple more weeks and say that my New Years Resolution would be to blog more (and be young and thin) but we all know that's not gonna happen! Especially those of you who know me. I am a very responsible and organized person with the exception of this blog which as I write is gathering dust! Oh that is my keyboard and my house!

I wish I had amazing things to report. Ya know things like I have traveled (insert exotic locale here) or I have been doing (insert amazing life experience here). NO I have been working, sleeping and occasionally beading. I will post more photos but guess what.... They are still stuck in the camera! Gotta get my act together- Maybe tomorrow. OK too much time has past. I feel really guilty but I know I am going to do the very same thing again and probably again. Thank Goodness no one reads this thing or the pressure would be too much! Nah that would only be if I had to cook! Then all bets are off.........

Smooches to all who reads this because I have no idea where I am headed next!

Stay tuned I may create something fabulous!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Sams first trip to the Beach

Here are some photos of Sam on his first trip to the beach. He suffered from "sensory overload" by the end of his visit. Too many sights, smells and sounds to keep track of! Quite funny actually! He had a blast!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Vote - Proud to be an American

I did my civic duty today and voted. Absentee voting is the way to go. No long lines, no rushing to the polling place before it closes. I can research the propositions and be prepared to go. This is the first time in my life that I have voted not in my original political party. Now don't get me wrong all politicians are morons, I mean look at the mess we are in as a country. It is important to decide which moron you can live with for the next 4 years. I mean they are going to break their promises, not have all the right answers and screw up sometime or somewhere. They are human doing a really tough job. I am more concerned with the person running this country than what party they belong to.

I didn't run out and vote when I turned 18. I basically waited for the presidential election and voted for the big cheese for the White House. As I get older I realize that the system is broken, crooked and filled with stupid people who rely on other stupid people to tell them how to vote by wooing them to "the dark side". I now know that being an American is more precious to me each and every day. Whether I believe in War, there are men and women in ungodly places on this earth protecting and dying for my right to vote. I owe them the decency to attempt to change the system with my vote.

Would I consider running for office- probably not. Should I support those that have the courage to do so - only if they are worthy of the office they hold. Should they hold the office til they die - not a chance! I am a strong supporter that once you get elected, you no longer are Democrat, Republican or Independent. You work for the American people- ya know the guys and gals that voted to put you in your fancy office with your fancy staff. I know it is a pipe dream but guess what - being an American allows me the freedom to write what I just wrote without being arrested, prosecuted or killed for my views.

Pick your candidate and run with it. But for goodness sake- VOTE! Sitting on the sidelines and complaining that we are going to hell in a hand basket is not acceptable. You may not like who is on the ballot but pick someone. Don't waste your vote on some lame write in candidate like "Mickey Mouse" or your dog. This is important stuff. Making that mark signifies more than just putting your pen to work. It is your strategy for our future. We don't have to agree on the person, but we do have to agree that being an American comes at a cost. Spend it well. God Bless Our Troops.

Remember to Vote.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Something Close 2 Nothing....

Rasberry Beret!

Holy Cow Batman! I just looked to see how long ago it was since I last posted. Time flies even when you arent having lots of fun!

Lets see, I have been doing a little of everything it seems.

I took a Photoshop Elements Class at the Community Adult Education Center in September. I now can do really cool things to photos. I just need to sit my butt down and actually do it. Sorta like this blog! LOL
I am in the process of Autumn Cleaning. It is simular to Spring Cleaning just really really late or really really early depending on your "glass is half empty/glass is half full" philosophy. I gave some stuff to friends who might actually use the stuff. Some went up on Ebay and I have some to Goodwill. Five bucks says it never sees the showroom floor! Anyway it is a neverending cycle and someday my Condo will be clutterless. Yeah, Someday. Like someday I will be thin, beautiful and filthy rich....
I am taking a belly dancing class. It is harder than it looks. Isolating parts of my body that it claims I dont own is quite a challenge. The warm up alone is enough to make the heart pound and sweat to drip between the boobs! I really do like it. My friend and savior Amy is also along for the ride. It must be worth it for me to get up on a Saturday morning drive 45 minutes and take an hour class! Maybe I just like the jingly sound the scarf on my butt makes. I dont know... I try to catch my favorite band Champagne Sunday whenever I can. They make me feel great and I love Jessi and Jared to death. I could spend all day writing about my love and devotion to them! The new album "North" is being released (dare I say an actual date!) November 30th.
Smooches to my dear friends. Their music is what I want to be when I grow up- Amazing!

Now that gas prices have lowered, we did make a Solvang run. We do this like twice a year. Some people go for the wine, or the pastry. I go for the really cool cross stitch store! The owner is a very sweet woman who actually remembers us. Not sure if that is good or bad...

I have been beading and finished earrings for Jessi. I am working on a fringe necklace of a bathing beauty. My Princess Diana cross stitch has recently seen some work now that the fall tv season has started. Just gotta keep the cats off of it and away from the floss!

Ok, speaking of tv I must lodge a huge complaint to the Emmy voters- Are you guys fricken crazy? Michael Emerson deserved that statue more than anyone and you guys stiffed him. This still makes me fume! Maybe that is why I havent posted a blog! Yep thats my excuse and I am sticking to it!

Oh yeah, I also got the 21 nights Prince photos, poetry and music from the Purple One! So there is the recap. Like the Prince song "Rasberry Beret" says "Seems that I was busy doing something close 2 nothing" O+>. Peace

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Very Cool Blog! The Angel of Orange-Powdery Goodness

I love reading the magazine Artful Blogging and yesterday I found this blog which for some reason made me stop dead in my tracks and just be still. I had to catch my breath because this was such a wonderful blog. I had to close the magazine because tears blurred my vision. I added her blog on the sidebar so that I will remember to visit it. It is full of wonderful, colorful pictures and similar writing to mine. Plus, her blog has a statement on it that says "I create therefore I am" which is similar to a Prince song called "I rock therefore I am" so she definitely rocks! This is what caught my heart...... Enjoy

The Angel of Orange-Powdery Goodness
July 31, 2006

I met God today. She was sipping nectar from the loveliest and sweetest of marigold flowers. Her mottled daiquiri-jeweled eyes unblinking as she stared through the camera and into my soul. She's a wisp of a thing ~ a strangely beautiful creature. We spoke for a moment or two and I asked if I could, for just a few moments, hold her.

"Hold me?" she inquired spinning her proboscis. "Why, of all the choices you have in the universe, you would choose to contain the uncontainable?" her eyes dissolving into the most magnificent of gooseberry greens tinged with flecks of radishy reds. A breeze shivered across the scales of her wings, blowing orange-colored pixie dust onto the lens.

"If you hold me, what will be next?" she coyly stared, "A jar? A chemical cotton ball? A pin? A prize? A trophy of God on your wall?"

"I just..."

"You just wanted to save me? From whom?"

"Well, not from whom... I wanted to save you for myself!"

"Silly girl," said the angel of orange-powdery goodness, "look inside your fear, take your wonder and the fiery flame in your loins. Wield your creativity and SAVE YOURSELF."

"Save myself?" but.. you're god!"

"Am I? She laughed, "I am in you ~ your are in me. You are the spark!"

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Still Alive - Barely!

Well, I am battling a stomach bug of some kind. I have had this thing since Friday night and I feel lousy. When I am sick, I dream strange dreams. I had a dream that it was Easter and Jessi got arrested by a cop who said she had a DUI she didn't pay and proceeded to handcuff her to take her to jail and I sat there crying! First, Where Easter came in to the picture I have no idea. Why a cop would arrest Jessi in cuffs and finally why would I be crying hysterically. Dreams are funny things. Mine get bizarre when my body chemistry is off. Second, I find things very difficult and I can cry at the drop of a hat for no real reason. I am not a overly emotional person but when I am sick the stupidest things make me cry. I was playing Pogo (Online Game Central) and I was working for a badge in Spades. It was 2 games of 1000 points. I had 996 points and went to 700 in less than 2 minutes. I cried like the world was ending. The animals thought I was off my rocker and just stared at me quizzically. The strange thing was I KNEW it was no big deal but cried anyway. I have been living on Campbell's chicken noodle soup and crackers. I felt the worst yesterday. Today I managed a shower and held up fairly well at work. Yesterday I sat in my office and didn't move. (Except for the bathroom runs- pun most definitely intended!) I have nothing left in my system to donate! No chills today, but fatigued and dehydrated. This too shall pass but til it does, I feel awful and being sick really sucks.

I figure, no one reads this blog but me because I have not one comment on this thing! I continue anyway. I did post a picture of me which is actually a first. I took the photo in the car while waiting for Brendan at the Post Office to go to the fair. I love having my photo taken, but when I see how old I am and how my double chins look like my accessory choice of the day, I find I really don't like the way I look. Or rather what MY INNER VISION of myself is. Not sure exactly what it is, but not the old chick in the photo! I am practical about what I look like - it doesn't come out on film that way. So any hoo, I posted a picture that I could put up with. My self portrait. I have good lips and my eyes aren't bad. What the hell, its me!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Dirt Track Date

This years fair theme

I totally forgot to tell you about my once a year tradition of being a 'white trash' dirt track date.
The Ventura County Fair opened this year on my birthday! We go the first two nights to see the race cars. There are VRA Sprints and Dwarf Cars plus IMCA Modifieds (I have no idea what all means other than cars that race around the track! I'm a blonde - that's my excuse and I am sticking to it!

VRA Sprint Cars
IMCA Modified
Dwarf kids race

Dwarf cars!

Demolition Derby - the REAL reason I go! Whoo Hoo!!

The first day is dollar day! Everyone and their cousin is there because before 3 PM you get in for a buck. We checked out the Gem and Mineral Exhibit, Photography and Cultural Arts. Managed to check out the Giant Kaleidoscopes in the Kids Hall and checked out the vendors and the junk they are trying to sell. Same stuff every year. Stupid me wore tennis shoes and because we had to walk a ways I got a blister so the second stop was to first aid for a band aid. I tried to be a good sport but it hurt! I ended up buying a pair of flip flops from one of the outside vendors. I didn't care what they cost and it was worth the $10 I spent for them! Ah relief! We headed for the raceway and waited to get in. The first night the kids race so the families and friends of the drivers are there and if you don't get there and get a seat you don't get in. They told us the second night after giving us wristbands that they had 3000 seats for almost 6000 people!

The reason I like to go both nights is to see which cars in the demolition derby are able to limp home, get re hammered out and return to try again the next night. Also the bigger cars are out on a 1/5 of a mile track. They had over 40 cars competing! They also had $1000 for the DD each night so it was an all out smash em crash em night! There were side bets from the drivers as 3 of the top points leaders put themselves in the back of the lineup and the one who made it the furthest to the front of the pack won the pot of $500. If they won the race another $100 was thrown in. These guys went all out. It was probably the best 2 nights of racing I have seen at the fair.

I did get the announcer to play the song "Dirt Track Date" by Southern Culture on the Skids. A complete white trash country tune about going to the racetrack. That is Brendan and my inside joke about me being a dirt track date. Ate the fair food - corn, cinnamon roll, nachos, pretzels YUM! Fireworks are at 10 PM and they are awesome!

So there is the story of my birthday and my being a dirt track date - both only happen once a year! LOL

Friday, August 8, 2008

Tag - I'm it!

First, I got a our old computer upgraded so I am in the process of getting my photos up and running. Til then, I will do another "get to know me" exercise so that I will have blogged without too much time passing! LOL

Two names I go by:


Two things I am wearing right now:
Flip Flops
Transititon Lenses - it sucks!

Two of my favorite things to do:
Wade in the ocean
Listen to music

Two things I want very badly at the moment:
A raise
To be beautiful and thin

Two favorite pets I have had or have now:

Two things I did last night
Ate Ameci's pizza
Watched season 3 episodes of Lost

Two things I ate today:

Two things I am doing, or have done today:
Reluctantly got out of bed
Attempting to stay awake

The longest car rides:
Family vacation from California to Connecticut and back - think original movie "Vacation"
Moorpark to Vegas

Two favorite holidays:
Fourth of July
My Birthday

Two favorite beverages:
Lemon Tea Snapple

Two favorite colors:

That is it for now, will do more later...........

Monday, July 28, 2008

What's she up to now?

Okay, I know I promised to write more but I really don't have an excuse other than just laziness! I have been quite busy and I will try to fill it all in in one blog!

Lets see: I saw Champagne Sunday at Seabee Days (it is for non military people to see what the seabees really do.) Really interesting. I haven't been on a military base in years. The following weekend we saw them at Borders (which is really great cuz you can hear the words!) The next day we went to see them at Margarita Villa in the Ventura Harbor. It was a beautiful day and we had a blast. I am so excited for the new album. It has some fabulous songs on it. I know I am gonna be loving this album more than the last one.

I celebrated my 15 year wedding anniversary on July 9th. We went out for dinner but really waited until the 11th to celebrate. We went and saw the movie "Ready? OK!" at Outfest in West Hollywood. OMG I absolutely LOVED this film! The movie is very sweet with wonderful performances by the entire cast. I was lucky enough to meet 2 of its stars who were very gracious with their time and were truly nice people. Yes, folks it was Michael Emerson and Carrie Preston! No, I did not pull out the camera and go all fanatical on them. I do have some restraint! LOL Yes, I know, I have very little restraint! I just wanted a nice conversation, which created a very special and lasting memory. What an anniversary gift! We headed off to Bobs Big Boy for dinner! I went again to see the film on the 19th, taking my friend/boss Amy and her friend Sara. We went to Andres for a pre birthday lunch for me. They enjoyed the film as well. I cant say enough about this film. If you ever have the chance to see it do so. You wont be disappointed. The film was shot in 18 days around San Diego. Two thumbs up !! It makes my heart smile to think about it!

The house is once again full of cat energy. I adopted two kittens, a brother and sister. They are from 2 different litters. The female is Emerson or Emmy for short! I call her Emmy as the Emmy Nominees were announced and Michael Emerson has been nominated for Best Supporting Actor (And he should WIN!) She is 13 weeks old and before they could get the mother cat spayed she got pregnant with another litter. The male is Benjamin, yes named after the Lost character. He has the dazed and confused look that one might have if stranded on an island! He also has no fear and struts up to the older cats and the dog with not one ounce of trepidation. I then realized that the cats are black or black and white. I found a grey tabby who purrs like there is no tomorrow. He joined the fleet a week ago. His name is Henry. I have forgotten what it is like to have kittens again. They climb your leg, not caring that you are wearing shorts! Henry likes to nuzzle next to my neck, not good with a tank top on! Not forgetting to mention they like shiny things like oh, earrings, necklaces and bracelets. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I got Murray's remains back and he sits next to Max in the living room. I had Emmy spayed on Wednesday. She has adopted Brendan, Henry likes my lap at the computer and Ben likes everybody, but really likes Sam the dog. This tiny little kitten with the lanky legged dog! Go figure.

So there ya go! That is about it. I head to the Ventura County Fair on Wednesday. I will spend my birthday as a "Dirt Track Date" Will fill you in on that later. Off to cause more mayhem and mischief .....

Monday, July 14, 2008


Yes, I know I haven't written in like forever, but the chaos at my house has been steady and ongoing. After reeling from the loss of Max, the house was oddly readjusting. Murray, my orange fur child started his decline. I figured we would have a few months with him. He was showing his age and I was okay with that, cuz I am showing mine as well! The other cats were filling in the void the best they knew how but we were still off kilter somehow.

When I moved into the Quonset hut I refused to so all alone. I moved in on Halloween and spent the entire month moving my junk in my new home. Brendan and I weren't engaged just dating. The hut had been empty for 7 months and mice had relocated inside. I wanted a mouse cat so off to the shelter we went. All the black or black and white kittens were placed on hold due to the fact that kids adopt the cats and torture them on Halloween. Brendan saw this orange and white kitten who kept reaching thru the bars and was a total purr box. Seeing the two of them together I knew he was going home with me even before I ever held him. I took him to the groomers as he had fleas. I spent my first night with Murray (I picked out the name before I picked out the cat!) sleeping on my face! He was my companion and he got jealous of Brendan when he came over. Hence, we went hunting for Max. Murray was my love bug. He had a bladder infection and almost died. We spent $800 trying to save him. We even had to doctor him at home with a bag filled with solution to flush the infection out of him. The first time I had to stick the needle in between his shoulder blades I actually almost fainted. I consider myself pretty tough but I really thought I was going to hit the floor. Poor Brendan was trying to help me and hold the sick cat! Quite a sight I can tell you.

Flash forward 16 years and I have this poor fur ball that is skin and bones but still very very furry. We tried feeding him wet food to keep his weight up. We ended up feeding him with a syringe. At first he tolerated it and finally he waited until we were done and then threw up. I knew the end was coming and I couldn't believe that I was going to have to play God again and sign my critter to death. Brendan and I decided that Thursday July 3 he would take him to the vet knowing very well he wouldn't return home. I spent part of Wednesday night just talking to him and I told him it was OK if he wanted to go over the rainbow bridge and join up with Max. On Thursday morning he was pretty much in the same spot and again I promised that I wouldn't be mad if he had to go. I held it together until about 2 PM when I called the vet to see if she would be there for Brendan to take him in. I really wasn't going to go. When she heard that it was Murray she knew and I began to cry. I sat and cried and after a wonderful comfort session with Amy I knew I had to do the right thing. God spoke to me and said I needed to be there for Murray not for me. I headed home and when I got there I found him on the floor very still. He needed to be with Max, so over the rainbow bridge he went. I was sad but oh so very relieved. I wrapped him in a towel and talked to him and pet his soft fur. I called Amy to tell her the news and I felt such a rush of relief that he went on his terms, in his home, surrounded by what he knew and loved. I think he passed away that morning because he was quite stiff. I waited for Brendan and I carried him like a baby to the vet and again I knew they would freeze him because I wanted him cremated so he can come home and be with Max and a family that loved him. Now he gets all the chicken he wants because it was his favorite, right along with Wendy's french fries. Bon Appetite my beautiful MurrMan. Mommy misses you! XXOOXX

Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday Already!

Sheesh! It is Monday already. Where did the time go? It has been hotter than all get out for the last 4 days. Here in Simi it has been over 100 each day! (I am at work so Simi Valley it is!) On Friday- "The hottest day of the year" per Fritz Coleman of KNBC weather it was 109. I wouldn't let Sam go down the street for his daily walk. I was afraid it would fry his paws! He wanted his daily walk and then changed his mind as soon as we went outside. I let him wander the grass just outside our door. I guess he figured if ya gotta go, ya gotta go! He couldn't wait to get back in the air conditioning. That is the best part of working here- awesome AC! I used to live in a Quonset hut for 12 years. It is like a metal airplane hanger. Many of the military bases use them. I don't even want to think about how hot that thing got! There was no insulation so in the winter you froze and the summer you baked. Often times it was hotter or colder inside the hut than outside. Took some getting used to living there. But the rent was great and we adapted. It was what I would consider my first home. Time flies, more so now than ever. The year is half over, summer started on Saturday and I didn't blog for a week. What do we do with our time? Its Monday already! Where did the weekend go? Things to ponder....

Monday, June 16, 2008


I think I will do a Top 10 List of Q & A for anyone who actually reads this blog or to remind me what I thought on this day.

10. One food item that describes my life in the last year: Hum that would have to be Brussels sprouts because I abhor them! The last year has been one stinky vegetable! As a kid we would be forced to eat 3 of them when Mom served them. We would stuff it in our mouths, hold our nose, chew fast, swallow and drink all the water we had to wash it down. That is kinda what I did for working at Classic Limousine. Get in, fly low and hit the door running at quitting time!

9. One item in the kitchen that describes me and my personality: First of all, I gotta ask whats the kitchen and where is it? LOL ! Betty Crocker I am not! I guess I would say I was a strainer because I have been in hot water and I have let it all drain out of me, down the drain leaving only the good stuff!

8. Best Concert ever attended: Wow been to a few of those, I guess it would have to be when I saw Bette Midler at the Greek Theater. She was awesome. One minute laughing and the next crying. Cyndi Lauper was a close second. The woman had more energy than I had ever seen on stage.

7. What cartoon character best describes me: I am definitely Peppi Le Pew. I am French and a romantic...Oui Oui Oui

6. If I could live anywhere in the world for a year: Wow that is a hard one. Too many places I would want to travel to not just live in one spot. They would have to speak English for sure!

5. Complete the statement "I recommend..." ( TV show, movie, restaurant, book , website ect) : "Lost" Duh! It is Jorge Garcia's blog. He plays Hurley on the TV Show "Lost" . Dispatches from the Edge by Anderson Cooper, The L Word on Showtime (phenomenal writing and acting) Andre's Italian Food off 3rd street in Los Angeles. Good enough for now.

4. What dream would I attempt if money was no object: I would travel and photograph the world.

3. What superpower would I like to have and why: I think I would want to be invisible. Wow I think I have this power already! I feel like people don't see me. LOL

2. If you had $5 million to spend in 5 days, but couldn't’t spend any of it on yourself or your family, what would you do with it? It would all go to different charities. Diabetes, AIDS, helping others in need of basic necessities of life like clean drinking water and food. Animal rescue and of course tiger conservation.

1. “2 Truths And a Lie” – Share 3 unique things about yourself and your life, 2 of them true, 1 false, and let the group guess which one isn’t true. I have been on a picket line carrying a sign for better wages and benefits. I have been on television. I have Emeril Lagasse on speed dial. (Didn't read the full blog if you pick this one! LOL) That's it for today! Hope you learned a bit about me.....

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Misc Ramblings

I don't have a "real" topic for today so I will just ramble a bit and see what I babble about for today's post.
Working next to a funeral home can be quite an experience. I do in fact work in a building that also houses a dentists office and the Rose Family Funeral Home. My office is next to the wall that must be their chapel. I have always had office jobs where I wasn't allowed to listen to music so silence at work was nothing new to me. When I started at TheraCare, that all changed. The first week I could hear caskets being moved around. No big deal. (I watched them drop a casket in the parking lot as well!) Then I could hear music from the services being held. Again, "Ava Maria" is a beautiful song. But as time went by, I felt like I was intruding in these poor families private moments. So I started listening to my XM radio online to help drown out the goodbyes next door. That was fine until the day I was alone and a women let out a blood curdling scream! My stomach dropped and I had a flashback (In "Lost" style I might add!) to the moment some 20 years ago when I came around the corner and saw the top of my mothers head and her glasses in her coffin and started to scream. I had to be dragged to the outer lobby until I could get myself together. I wanted to go and comfort that poor woman as I knew EXACTLY what she was feeling. A rather unsettling experience. Also it was the Friday before I had to have Max put to sleep. An Omen, dunno. I hear people cry and sob. I could never be a funeral director. I put up a sign on the wall that was kind of funny. I found clip art of a chapel and added the statement "Dead Mans Party- I see Dead People" I had to find a way to lighten a very dark situation.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Long time no hear!

Wow!! I just looked at how long it has been since my last blog. Also how depressing this blog is. I will try to post more and complain less. The loss of Max was really hard but "the zoo" as I call it is adjusting. I had him cremated and his remains are back in the living room. He is home.

Been working and just doing much of nothing. The highlight of my time away was the season finale of Lost! This season for some reason has been totally awesome. I have watched from the premier but not with the passion of some of the people I have read about on the web. The writers for this show are unbelievable. I love the character of Benjamin Linus played by the most incredible actor, Michael Emerson. He came in half way thru season 2 and I cant wait to see what he will say or do next. If he doesnt get an Emmy for his portrayal of Ben there is no justice in the world.

I have asked Brendan for my anniversary to see Carrie Prestons (Michael Emersons adorable wife, who played the part of Emily - Bens mother in a flashback of Lost!) new independent film titled "Ready? OK!". It is about a boy who wants to join the all girls cheerleader squad. The motto is "Dont break the rules- Change them" The preview is enticing. Here is the official website: Check it out!

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Death. They say it is part of life. I disagree. Death is like a period at the end of a sentence. It is supposed to bring closure to life. I think it is another chapter in the book that makes you who you are.

I adopted a grey tabby cat in February 1992. I fell in love with him the minute I saw him at the animal shelter. I already had a name and wanted to bring him home as a companion to my first cat Murray. The tag on his cage said he wasn't available until Monday. I waited and worried that he would be gone before I could get a chance to get him. On Monday Brendan and I went to the shelter only to find a long line of people. My heart sank as I saw my chances of getting that little grey tabby dwindling. The God smiled on me and when the doors opened, two lines formed, one for dogs and one for cats. The swarm of people swam to the dog line, leaving me at the head of the cat line. I blurted his cage number, hoping they hadn't moved him. The lady at the counter asked if I wanted to double check. I said Nope, I knew what I wanted. I named him Max. He had a constant purr and came to our family to be known as "the nudger". He was the friendly cat when visitors came to our house, dominating our guests with his meow and constant need for attention. Originally I had a collar on him but he was an indoor cat, so he really didn't need it and when I took it off he had a ring around his neck with no fur that never grew back.

Years passed and Max would be Max. He always wanted a lap, trying unsuccessfully to sneak in my lap while I sit here at the computer. He thought I didn't know when he would curl up and go to sleep while I played away. His favorite foods were: Chicken- You could lose a digit when you offered him poultry. Vanilla pudding- Brendan's staple for his lunch and a constant favorite of a cat who would stuff his entire head in the plastic cup to lick every single bit out. French Fries- He would eat any kind but Wendy's was top on his list.

He has always been the runt of the group with his pointy toes. Age took its tole on him and he began to loose weight and the contours of his face was more gaunt. On Wednesday he didn't want to eat. I did get him to drink water. On Thursday he was disoriented and staggered around a bit, but still mostly sleeping. I tried to force feed him wet food mixed with water, but it wasn't working. Last night Brendan and I knew the day we feared and dreaded was coming. I have always said I would not know if I would stay in the room when it was time to put him to sleep or I would leave because I just couldn't take it.

I knew in my mind it was time but telling a loved member of your family goodbye was breaking my heart. I took him to his regular vet, a Philippine doctor who Max hates. He would drool when it was time for his vaccinations. This time he didn't want to come out of the carrier. She knew when she looked at him that the prognosis wasn't good. They took his temperature, a bit too low for a cat and weighed him. He weighed a little over 5 pounds. I tried to be brave. When I imagined doing this I didn't think I would be alone. The vet said she thought it was kidney failure and old age. I wanted Brendan and I to both be there to say goodbye and be the family unit for the one in need. Alas it was not meant to be. I was alone signing a card to euthanize my beloved pet and filling out a card for cremation. When she stated the options the word "dispose" made my stomach drop. I rescued him and I promised all my critters that they would never be dumped again. At that moment I knew I needed to bring my baby home even if it was just his feline remains. The vet left me in the room to sit with him and prepare to face the prospect of bringing home an empty carrier. She met with a couple in the next room who ultimately decided to put their dog down. Death. There it is again. She came back and asked if I needed more time. I knew it was time to give him up. While we sat in the chair I prayed that my mother would be there for Max and comfort him until we meet again. I could imagine dying and not having the critters of my life not waiting there for me. I cry for each of the ones I have lost, from the goldfish to the elder fur child Max. I handed Max over to the assistant and repeated that I loved him and he was taken to the back room. She said it is better for us if they took care of it. The vet said he would be sent to the Crematorium on Tuesday. She said he would be frozen which made me almost want to faint, until he could be sent out. The thought of my baby sitting in a cold freezer makes me ill but it is what it is. I have spent the day trying to keep it together but the house is missing something and everybody here knows it but isn't sure what to do about it. I know I did the right thing. He didn't suffer. That is left for us here at home.

Death. Not a part of life but another chapter in the book of life. The final chapter. Rest in Peace, I love you Max, now and always.

Monday, May 19, 2008

One down 4 to go!

Well it's Monday! The day started off with the alarm going off and hour early. OK, first of all I am not a morning person. I don't jump out of bed with a "Whoo hoo" attitude! It is more like the comic strip Garfield where he hates Mondays and is not a morning person. I would consider myself a lot like Garfield! A cat who loves to nap!

Work was good. I like working for this company as the last one was really "hell on earth"! I had a boss who spent his days playing backgammon and connect 4 while screaming obscenities out of his office at his employees! Think Jabba the Hut and you now know what he looks like. This job is good. My boss is a really sweet woman, kinda keeps to herself somewhat. I am never really quite sure what is going on with her and I don't want to pry but I lend whatever support I can, when I can. I am not in charge for once and that is different in itself. I do what I do and quite well I would say. My jobs I have always been the "go to" person. That is both good and bad I guess. But I am not taking on as much with this job. Maybe it's my age or I don't want to overstep my bounds. I get to take Sam with me. He is well loved and spoiled rotten by everyone but the mailman! He hates Sam and I think the feeling is mutual. Sam knows when people want to get to know him and the mailman is rude and always in a hurry. The Fed Ex guy brings him doggies treats, the Sparklets guy sat on the floor to get to know him and the Dentist next door thinks hes great as well. Sam is a rescue dog, one who was abused and frightened. He has come a very long way but still needs lots of love. He waits for Amy and is upset if she is late. He wanders down the hall looking for her and pouts until she comes in! Sam = 1 spoiled dog!

I haven't had a dog since I was a kid but he is like having a child. I didn't consider myself much of a dog person but have learned I guess I am. He keeps me company and he now loves riding in the car and of course going to work with me each day. I get up and if Brendan is home, Sam will snuggle with Brendan until I head to the other bathroom to put on my makeup. At that point, Sam bolts for the door afraid I won't take him with me. He rides in the seat behind me and stares out the window. So far he is not a wind in his face kinda dog. He loves going to work with me, sleeping next to my desk til his 10:30 am walk. I get some much needed exercise and fresh air. Sam gets to pee all through the neighborhood and upset the other dogs! I feed him around noon, then its nap time until 2:30 when Amy takes him for his afternoon walk. He wanders down the hall to remind her that its time to go! We have been practicing walking to and from the car without the leash and so far he has done really well.

Came home to water leaking from the ceiling. A small pinhole in a pipe but enough to scare the crap out of me envisioning the bathtub falling through the ceiling into the kitchen. Called Brendan in a panic and luckily he was just pulling in. I have no idea how long the leak has been going on, but like I said "It's a Monday!"

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Getting back to it

I have been working since my last post on my photography. I went to the camera store to buy filters and get some help regarding software for my photos. On my walks with Sam, the dog I carried my camera and shot photos of the neighborhood where I work. There are beautiful plants blooming this time of year. I downloaded some trial versions of Photoshop Elements and created my first digital page. Not bad for not having a clue as to what all the buttons were for!

The picture was taken with two dear friends at J's Tapas where a band I support plays one Friday a month. Champagne Sunday is their name and their second album is due in late June, early July. In actuality it is Arla's daughters band. Her name is Jessi and when I grow up I want to be just like her! She is full of life and knows what she wants and is working her butt off to get it. I wanted to take some photos to put up on their website under "Friends and Family" I hope to get them digitally created and sent to them to publish on their site.

I consider my husband and zoo of critters to be my family and I am particular about my friends. There was a recent episode of "Greys Anatomy" where the brilliant Dr. Hahn says to her friend Callie "I don't make friends easily". She make this statement not once, but twice emphasizing that it takes a lot for her to put herself out there. I thought that scene was written for me! I consider myself to be a good person, somewhat selfish but always willing to lend a hand. I have been used and abused when it comes to friendships, but I have learned a lot about who I am and what I can be because of those relationships. I don't feel that I "fit in" anywhere but home and rather as an outcast looking in. Even with Arla and Rica, both are beautiful women who can sing and have talent just oozing from their pores! I am again the old fat chick who is along for the ride, the third wheel keeping everyone safe and sound. My saving grace again is my angel of a husband Brendan. He keeps me grounded and allows me to be the one thing I am always afraid of being - ME. I don't tell him enough but I love you Brendan....

Friday, May 9, 2008

First Try

Ok, here is the first try at blogging. I just finished reading a wonderful magazine called Artful Blogging that covers all the reasons I want to do this: better photography, more artwork and a renewed sense of creativity. I figure this blog should encompass my rants, momentary lapses of reality and hopefully a great sense of fulfilment. I am ordinary woman who is "creative" but not overly artistic. People disagree with that last statement but in my world it is what I believe.

I want this to be the place where "I let it all out" so that I can "take more in". I toss this out to the universe and will see what comes back. I start this journey now.....