Monday, December 15, 2008


At last dear ones! The new album from Champagne Sunday has arrived. We waited and waited and waited...... and it was entirely worth it! This CD is AWESOME!!!!

Wow it has been a long process and I am very grateful to have heard some of these songs evolve.

Jessi and Jared have outdone themselves! This is a fun album starting with Fallen and for those of us lucky to have seen this performed live, it is affectionately called the "napkin song" as we swing our napkins high in the air!
- Stronger is a toe tapping ditty that reminds you that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger! - What a day is a possible single and if you have had the day from hell, this song tells it all!
- Long day is Jared and you feel this song down deep.
- So inclined is Jessi song about Jared.
-Tiny Girl is Jessi's tribute to her fabulous mother Arla and what it is like to measure up. I know them both and I know when I grow up I wanna be just like them!
- Bound is a more gritty song, one they don't play live very often at this point.
- No motivation is a crowd favorite not to mention one of my personal favorites. The mixing in the studio of this song is phenomenal with all the different instruments. Love it!
- Bonsai Kitty was originally written about an Internet hoax that Jessi didn't know was a hoax when she wrote this song of outrage about kittens being raised in glass bottles and fed thru tubes. The song evolved to breaking out of the mold and being who you are meant to be, not conforming to others standards.
- Music Box is another crowd favorite and my all time favorite CS tune. It is about finding that inner child and letting him/her out to play. I still cry when Jessi sings this song.
- Holy water is another strong contribution from Jared saying what a lot of people feel about religion. He speaks for me on this one!
- The fall of Gabriel is about an old roommate that needed a kick in the pants to get his life jump started. A very fun song!
I really cannot tell you how very much I love this album and the amazing songwriting skills of both Jessi and Jared. These guys rock and so does this CD!

I love them both so very much. They are full of life and fun and as individuals, make you feel wanted, accepted as well as warm, safe and loved. They are inviting each person to join in the festivities and live each day to its entirety. Even when it doesn't always work, the invitation still stands. Treat yourselves to the bubbly! Cheers.

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