Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mind cluttering disaster

Well, I am unemployed. What a strange thing it is as I have always held a job and I am scrambling to figure out how to look for a job in this "Internet" age. I have spent the last week typing my name, resume and job history over and over and over again until I don't know if I am coming or going. It is surreal to say the least. I am used to going to work on Monday and each day that passes I am more and more aware that there is no money being made. The thought of losing everything we have worked for these last few years is overwhelming. I know the economy is bad and blah blah blah, but lets face it I am 45 years old and am not able to walk into a job like I did at 20 or even 30.

I am excellent at what I do and I would make any company proud, I work hard and now all I feel is failure and despair. It is a low point in my life and I sure as hell hope it doesn't last long. My strength is through God and my husband who should be considered for sainthood. No "I told you so's" or anything negative but I still felt I let him down.
So I will keep typing away and keep throwing my resume out there hoping something will "stick".

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